Saturday, March 21, 2009

While in Hawai'i Nei, President Obama Likes To Eat Here

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The folks at MSNBC decided to write an article on some of the eatieries Barack Obama enjoyed while living in Honolulu and still likes to go to as an adult. In fact before he became president, he talked about going to Rainbow Drive-In and Zippy's, which for any local are mandatory stops for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and breakfast, along with something to get after a good day at the beach.

The main article is here, while A Guide To Obama's Favorite Eateries is behind the link. For us transplanted Hawaiians who are homesick not only for the good food, but for the people who like to "talk story" as we eat, these places will be very familiar.

To Mr. Obama: hui, we go eat.

1 comment:

yellow water said...

i ate my shave ice on the same bench that our president ate his shave ice. that photo is of island snow next to kailua beach. great shave ice, perfect texture and flavors. i even bought their obama kailua tee.